Support your favorite small business.
Today, November 24th, is Small Business Saturday®, a day to celebrate and support the local small businesses that boost the economy and invigorate neighborhoods across the country.
The Mad Moose & Mad Moose Home & Garden are proud to take part in Small Business Saturday, and we’re encouraging everyone to Shop Small® here on November 24th.
Plus, we’re having a special Small Business Saturday offer! Come in to the Home & Garden store on November 24th and you’ll get an EXTRA 25% off ALL Red Tag items!
Most importantly, get out there, Shop Small, and let’s make this November 24th the biggest day of the year for small business.
To learn more, visit
To be honest, last years SBS did not make a bit of difference in our bottom line. But I think it's all about awareness. Each year successive year, more shoppers become aware of how important it is to support small business and keep that money in their own community!
So here is part of my vow to blog better in 2013, I will be spending at least part of my blogging time dedicated to promoting that awareness all year!
There will be big announcements about the stores coming soon and lots of new posts about new products I'm making just as soon as I can figure out how to take a decent picture of them without my old camera (sad face), so stay tuned!!
I will leave you today, with this video of our bobcat couple who came to hang out on Thanksgiving!